Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Week twelve

Week 12: (07/12/15)

At this stage, this is when I start writing the script for the animation. As in what the characters are going to say, are there any sound effects or images etc

Firstly, I researched ways of writing a script, this is important as it has to be professional. I then decided to search on you tube some sound effects which will be included in the animation:

Sound effects
  When changing screens:
   Pouring liquid in glass:

As I have already mentioned the script needs to be professional, therefore I started off with the title:

St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls
Rules in a Science Lab


©Nadia Conteduca

 And I then included the cast, voice-overs and scenes which will be in the animation, in this way I am presenting who will be in the animation and what to expect:

Maryann: St. Anne’s Student
Maria: St. Anne’s Student
Floriane: St. Anne’s Student
Mr. Smith: Teacher at St. Anne’s


Maryann: Interpreted by Marta
Maria: Interpreted by Sarah
Floriane: Interpreted by Dishti
Mr. Smith: Interpreted by Vittorio


Scene 1- Welcome Screen
Scene 2- Menu Screen
Scene 3- Rule 1 (Safety goggles)
Scene 4- Rule 2 (Bunsen burner)
Scene 5- Rule 3 (Conical flask)
Scene 6- Rule 4 (No food and drink)
Scene 7- Rule 5 (Tie hair back)
Scene 8- Video Screen
Scene 9- Quiz Screen

I then start writing the Synopsis, and this is an introduction to the whole animation.

This is a script for the pre-preparation of my animation regarding the rules of a science lab. I will be showing the risks and hazards which could happen if students are not careful and do not pay attention. I will illustrate this by using images of the science equipment’s such as a Bunsen Buner, a conical flask and more. The animation is for students in KS3/KS4. This animation is for students in year 7 to 9, this will help them understand more the science lab as they are new to this environment, especially the year 7's, who will have to learn new rules, understand the purpose of the equipment’s and how to carry out a practical; how the practical should be set up and what kind of things you should do and should not do all for health and safety reasons which is definitely crucial. The characters will be explaining and will be guiding the students throughout the animation. There are four characters who will be involved in this animation; they are Maria, Floriane, Maryann and Mr. Smith. In turns they will be introducing each different screens; firstly, we have the welcome screen this is where the characters will be presenting themselves and summarise the animation and its aim. We then have the Menu screen, and this is where the contents page will take place, this will allow students to navigate throughout the animation and look at different screens depending on where they click on, the contents page includes links to ‘home screen’, ‘the five rules’ the ‘video screen’ and the ‘quiz screen’ . In each screen there will be a voice explaining what the screen is about, this will be done by my personnel who are the voice-overs, so I will then record their voices. In the animation, I need to make sure that the characters seem as realistic as possible, in this case I have to make sure that the characters blink throughout the animation and open their mouths whilst speaking, in this way it seems that they are realistically talking in the animation and that there is no voice-over.


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