Saturday, 19 December 2015

Week Two

Week 2: (21/09/15)

Health and Safety

Health and safety is crucial in the media production, in this case I am working interactively, and there are certain areas of health and safety which are important to know, for example, looking at the computer screen for too long causes Eye strain, this could cause headache, in order to prevent this I could adjust the screen’s brightness or I could take a break and gaze at something else. 
Another important factor to know is also RSI, which is repetitive strain injury. This is caused by repetitive movements made, for example when typing. In order to prevent this I could take a break and work on something else. 
As well as this, when working on the computer it is important not to have any materials around, for example books, this is because they may get tangled with the cables. In order to prevent this, it is best to keep everything away from the computer and have everything organized. 
Another example of a Health and Safety hazard on the computer It is crucial to know the Health and safety act set in 1974, it provides the Health and safety for ‘students’ and ‘employees’. The teachers or employers have to inform people about hazards and how they could prevent them. 

I also made generic examples when working on this animaton:

How to prevent this
When saving the document on the USB, there may be a possible risk the USB may get lost and there will be no proof that the work belongs to me.
I have to make sure to save any documents in regards to this animation on the USB as well as on Fronter (Fronter can be found on the school’s website) this is another way of storing documents safely. There may be a possible chance of losing my USB; therefore I will then have access to my document from fronter.
Lost work in software
It is important to save any changes done with the work very frequently, there is a possible chance that the computer may shut down, and so this will allow me to have every saved document up to date.

Ethical Issues

Ethical issues are more importantly known to be moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. These morals may include things to do with debating and setting particular standards where some people may also disagree on, as there are many different thoughts on controversial issues. 
This may also concern the media production because many people decide to run a website or a business. In order to control their business or webpage, it is crucial for them to decide what is right or wrong, for example, the media content has to be suitable as it will suit the needs of individuals. 
As well as this, the business management is far more difficult to manage as there are many creative ideas and suggestions that some may agree as well as disagree, therefore the judgment will never be balanced.  This is why meetings are important in order to gain different ideas from people. 
The animation will also include people, and the creation of these people is fairly significant, this is because if I were to create only white people, this will discriminate black people. Therefore it is important to design different people as there are different cultures. The comments will also have to be appropriate for the target audience, so making sure that the language is not offensive. 
One example of an ethical issue is Charlie Hebdo. This is a French weekly magazine featuring polemics and jokes. He created a cartoon poster about Muhammad. A group of Muslims have regarded the poster as an ‘insult’ therefore this issue became controversial. In this case it is important not to discriminate people as others may find it offensive. 

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